Mr Terence Ringnyu came to the tabernacle suffering from Hypertrophic Obstruction Cardiopathy (HOCM), a condition which the doctors told him is incurable. He was referred to a hospital in India, where he was to undergo surgery as the doctors there told him the only option was for him to be given an artificial heart just to enable him live a little longer. This surgery was going to cost him 14million Francs CFA in the hospital in India. He refused to take the artificial heart and decided to return to Cameroon even at the disapproval of the doctors. Prior to his return, he had already spent over 7million francs in that hospital. Upon his return from India, his brother invited him over to the tabernacle and his wife advised that he honor the invitation.
On getting to the Tabernacle with excruciating pain, the Prophet of God, Prophet Bilem located him and prayed for him. Immediately after the prayers the pain ceased. Since then all the pains, the breathing difficulty and the heaviness he felt in his chest disappeared and he is now in good condition.
- Career Breakthrough
Before coming to the tabernacle he had been suspended from work for 3 months due to ill health. He had applied for several jobs but still couldn’t get any. Immediately after the encounter at the tabernacle he received 3 different Job offers: CAMI TOYOTA called him for the position of management controller and out of the 10 people who applied for the Job, he was the only one selected. He also received a call from Access bank for an interview and when he returned to his office, the same boss who suspended him told him he will love to send him to the United States of America for him to start working there. Right now he has 4 options before him, either to stay back at his office, go to the US for another job or accept the offers from the 2 other institutions. Mr Terence came to the Tabernacle yesterday, straight from his office and full of joy to share his testimony and thank God for the wonders He has done in his life. We join him to celebrate God for His awesome wonders. Jesus reigns indeed.