Miss Melissa Njounou was delivered from a wicked spiritual husband that had completely wrecked her marital life and career.

This wicked spirit caused every man that came into her life to abandon her after having children with her. To some of them, the spirit will appear in their dreams and drive them away from her. This was the case with the father of her second son who loved her very much and had lived with her for several years. After having dreams of a man coming to fight with him, asking him to leave the lady, he suddenly abandoned her with his child, came with his family at one moment and beat her up, even throwing the children’s birth certificates in the rain. He did not want to have anything to do with the children. It has been 5 years since he left her suffering alone with the children.

This evil spirit also confessed that it killed her first son mystically and sacrificed him to Lucifer. Miss Melissa confirmed the mysterious circumstances that led to the death of her son and strange spiritual activities that happened to him while he was in the hospital before his demise. The spirit further confessed that she was the next it had to kill after her son.

Her career was also destroyed by this wicked spiritual husband. She lost her job and since then had applied for jobs in several places but could not get any even though she was qualified for the jobs. All these difficulties had caused her depression.

On that eventful Sunday morning she came to The Tabernacle, God located her through His servant, Prophet Bilem who laid hands on her, engaging her deliverance. Under the overpowering influence of the fire of God, the evil spirit had no choice but to confess to all the evil it had orchestrated in her life. The man of God then commanded the wicked spiritual husband out of her life and prayed for her children, assuring them that they will not suffer.

Immediately after Miss Melissa’s deliverance, while still in The Tabernacle, she saw 15 missed calls from the father of her second son(the one who abandoned her for 5 years). By the time she got home after the service, she received a call from him telling her he had just arrived from Yaounde and asking her to dress up with the children. To her surprise and for the first time in 5 years, he took her out with the children, bought them so many provisions, all their school needs, other things for Miss Melissa and gave her some money. As if that was not enough, he kept telling her to address him as “Mon mari” “Cheri” because he is her husband. Hallelujah!

Miss Melissa has found peace again in Christ Jesus. She is no longer sad or depressed but has a renewed relationship with God. She no longer eats or has sexual intercourse in her dreams. She now finds joy being in God’s presence and her spiritual gifts which she had lost have been restored. She could not stop singing and dancing in gratitude to God for His mercy towards her. Indeed, when Jesus comes, there is restoration. We join Miss Melissa to give God glory for changing her life.

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